When the pandemic began in early 2020, I started to keep track of various Trek or Trek-related events in a form of a continuously updated list published in various Facebook groups. The sudden explosion of virtual talks, presentations and hangouts proved to be overwhelming, and I hope that the list helped others to navigate the online existence.
With this page, I have re-worked the presentation of the list since it became a bit unwieldy to read clearly, especially with the eventual return and proliferation of the in-person events.
The list is by no means comprehensive, but I do hope I get to capture most of the main events of interest for a Trek fan. Please note that the recurring and ongoing events are listed at the bottom.
January 4th - February 2nd: Month-long celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Star Trek: Voyager, hosted by the Star Trek Family group on Facebook (virtual event) - POSTPONED
21-23: FanExpo Vancouver (in-person convention; William Shatner, Christopher Lloyd, John Rhys-Davies, Mark Sheppard attending) March
6-9: Emerald City Comic Con (in-person convention; Anson Mount, Celia Rose Gooding, Ethan Peck, Melissa Navia attending) 6-9: Emerald City Comic Con (in-person convention; Adam Nimoy, Anson Mount, Celia Rose Gooding, Dina Meyer, Ethan Peck, Melissa Navia attending) 14-16: Indiana Comic Convention (in-person convention; Rainn Wilson, William Shatner, Sonequa Martin-Green, Nakia Burrise attending) 15-16: Comic Film & Manga Fest in Rotterdam, Netherlands (in-person convention; Paul Wesley, Robert Picardo, Ed Speleers) 15-16: Kansas Comic Con (in-person convention; Gates McFadden and John de Lancie attending) 27-30: GalaxyCon Richmond (in-person convention; Jason Isaacs, William Shatner, Jonathan Frakes, Christopher McDonald attending)
5: Trek Talks, a virtual telethon to benefit Hollywood Food Coalition 5-6: SC Comicon (in-person convention, John de Lancie, Jonathan Frakes attending)
May 30th - June 1st: FedCon (in-person convention; Jonathan Frakes, Robert Duncan McNeill, JG Hertzler, Robert O'Reilly, Peyton List, Dan Jeannotte, Ed Speleers, Michelle Hurd, Tawny Newsome attending) May 30th - June 1st: Monsterpalooza (in-person convention; Doug Jones, Ron Perlman attending)
May 30th - June 1st: FedCon (in-person convention; Jonathan Frakes, Robert Duncan McNeill, JG Hertzler, Robert O'Reilly, Peyton List, Dan Jeannotte, Ed Speleers, Michelle Hurd, Tawny Newsome attending) May 30th - June 1st: Monsterpalooza (in-person convention; Doug Jones, Ron Perlman attending) 6-8: Phoenix Fan Fusion (in-person convention; Brent Spiner, Jonathan Frakes, Ron Perlman attending)
24-27: GalaxyCon Raleigh (in-person convention; William Shatner, Brent Spiner, Corbin Bernsen, Gates McFadden attending)
15-17: Trekonderoga (in-person event; Nana Visitor, Terry Farrell, Armin Shimerman attending)
12-14: Arkansas Comic Con (in-person convention; Brent Spiner, Gates McFadden, John de Lancie attending)
22-23: Trek to Chicago (in-person convention; details TBD)
Recurring events:
Star Trek: Watch Party
The Observation Deck, fan-organized recurring event, a series of monthly online Star Trek watch parties.
SyFy Sistas host The Live Show on YouTube every other Tuesday.
Virtual Trek Con presents The Main Viewer every Tuesday and Star Trek & Chill every Friday - live discussion shows on YouTube with occasional special guests and an open chat geared towards fan interaction.
To Proudly Go hosts a recurring in-person Star Trek Variety Show in New York every Saturday. Show tickets here.
Larry Nemecek's Trekland presents Trekland Tuesdays LIVE.
Alexander Siddig’s Sid City Social Club now holds only occasional online meetings. For date announcements and further information, follow https://www.facebook.com/sidcityonline/ and https://www.sidcity.net/sid-city-social-club-2/.
Ongoing events: