
Friday, May 24, 2019

Almost Summer

The spring has finally arrived and brought some fantastic experiences with it!
The reading with LeVar Burton was inspiring; great guests reading and performing. Awesome Con turned out to be the most relaxed and straightforward comic con I have ever attended - fantastic guests, vendors and programming, and, what is more, I got to share it with my sister and many good Trek friends. Tremendous time! Physical and social sciences were very nicely discussed during the Professor Cox's event and the cartography talk at NYPL. Adam Savage is the king of the geeks; his author event at Barnes & Noble was truly fun. DS9 documentary showing at AMC Theaters on 42nd Street was sold out and well-attended by the local Trek fan groups. I have already had the pleasure of seeing it as a backer, but it was just marvelous to see it in a theater full of Trekkies. Kate Mulgrew's second memoir has been released, and I had the honor and the pleasure to attend two of her author appearances, the signing in NJ and the book launch in NYC. Absolutely fabulous experience going to both, absolutely wonderful to see Kate again! As I already mentioned in my review, it is truly an excellent book, well deserving of attention and accolades.

May 29th - Grave Robbing 101 with Atlas Obscura
May 31st - The Right Stuff: What It Takes To Boldly Go, an event during the World Science Festival
June 4th - Enter Laughing: The Musical
June 13th - Dinos After Dark at AMNH
July 8th - Historic Brickwork: A Design Resource
July 31st - August 4th - The Official Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas, NV
October 3rd - 6th - New York Comic Con
October 28th - November 2nd - CTBUH 10th World Congress in Chicago, IL

March 1st - March 8th - Star Trek: The Cruise IV