
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Updates (and Things to See #8)

So, yes, trying to force myself to do regular blog entries is a losing battle. Haven't updated here since early March. The year seems to be rushing ahead, over a half of it is already gone. Oh, well.
Several things from the #7 list that I wanted to check out, I actually did not - either had no time or lost interest, so the AMNH and the Astronomy Forum will have to wait until another time. Otherwise, spring and early summer brought many excellent events.
The NY/NJ Gem and Mineral Show in April was fabulous! So many minerals and fossils to see, I did not know which way to turn. If you are into any aspect of geology and paleontology, it is the sort of event not to be missed! Definitely on my list of things to see next year! 
The TNG 3rd Season Theatrical Event was a resounding success, now everyone cannot wait until the next season presentation!
The spring Chiller Theater was fun - had some great photo ops with various actors and got an autograph from Karen Allen, who looks simply gorgeous!
Also, I had a somewhat sudden and intense but incredibly wonderful trip to Prague!
Returning to the largely Star Trek-related theme:
I managed to get a Fan Sneak Picks ticket to see an early showing (two days ahead of the USA premiere) of the new movie, Star Trek Into Darkness, in May. Very exciting! It certainly had a very polarizing effect in the fandom (well, almost everything does, and that holds true not only for Star Trek fans). I can see the logic in the reaction of either side of the spectrum. As far as my personal opinion goes...As a blockbuster action/adventure movie, I would give it A+, as a Star Trek movie - C at best. Many features were done exceptionally well, and many... were either totally missed, or I wish were not approached at all within a light year. I will not elaborate further - plenty of well-written critiques and praises have been posted online since the premiere. However, I do think that the movie lacks true Trekkiness on several levels. On the other hand, something as outrageous and visible as JJ movies (as one of my Trek friends said "Trek on steroids") does attract a lot of attention, increases national and international interest, and keeps CBS and Paramount wanting to continue "milking the cow", so to speak, i.e. keep investing money into the franchise. And, also, of course, enlarges the fandom, with the new "recruits" hopefully going back to check out and fall in love with the TV series and preceding movies.
The Chicago convention was simply fantastic! I had a few days before it to explore the city (which resulted in me ending up looking like a crispy critter...that crazy Midwest weather...but that's another story). The highlight, of course, was the entire TNG cast Reunion event and the cast photo op! Now for the total bliss, I must have a VOY cast photo op in my collection - TPTB, if you are listening, please, pretty please, make it happen for VOY anniversary, if not sooner, eh?
The Vineyard Theater play Somewhere Fun with Kate Mulgrew was tremendous. Hard to explain its themes without retelling the entire play. Describing it in a few words sounds rather absurd but true - a hysterical tragedy. Wonderfully performed, very enjoyable!
The WizardWorld's NYC Experience was pretty nice. The place was largely overrun by everything zombie but, truthfully, I only came for Wil Wheaton, so all else was just extra.

So what am I planning for the rest of the year, as of this posting:
Discovery Times Square has several excellent exhibitions on right now - The Art of The Brick (Legos!), Body Worlds and Shipwreck! The Enterprise Pavillion has been re-opened on USS Intrepid, I have yet to check it out.

August 8th - 11th - The Official Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas!
August 16th - 18th MonsterMania 25 in Cherry Hill, NJ (came across this accidentally but what a great line-up! I've been wanting to meet some of these actors for ages)
October 10th - 13th - New York Comic Con
October 25th - 27th - the fall Chiller Theatre
November 20th-22nd - Greenbuild Expo in Philadelphia. Going for all three days, very excited!